Valentines Truffles

For our first cookery class of the week we decided to make some chocolate truffles for valentines day.

At first, we thought that it would be a long shot trying to get the children to make healthier versions of chocolate truffles (or as we call them, 'energy balls'). So we decided that we would set the intention to make them for their loved one for valentines. However, half way through we noticed some eating the mixture as if it was chocolate. It was lovely to think that what they were eating also had some nutritional benefit to them whilst they were enjoying the chocolate flavour. We also rolled some of the balls into coconut and some we drizzled with melted dark and milk chocolate as it is important not to be too restrictive. 

We aim to make our classes fun for the children to develop many skills such as physical motor skills as well as social skills. We also aim for our recipes to take a healthier approach with more use of natural sugars and less of refined sugar.

Some feedback from a parent after the cookery class:
"My girls loved the cooking, it's great introducing them to ingredients they struggle to eat at home! The class encourages them to try new and healthy options. we will definitely be booking again"


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