Naming the business

Coming up with a name for the business was more difficult that we thought. Being in a partnership meant that we both had to agree on the same name.
I would be thinking about names in the middle of the night and writing them in the notes on my phone.
However, as well as asking for feedback from Jo (my business partner), I was also asking friends and family- which was probably a bad idea.
Once it was getting more and more difficult, Jo and I decided not to tell anyone our name ideas.
We then came up with Naturally Sweet, which we both liked as we love the idea of using natural food, mostly plant-based for our dishes. I also make sweet treats such as cakes, energy balls and bars which are refined sugar free. You can also get a lot of fruit and veg that is naturally sweet and we loved to use in most of our food!
Adding on the Oxford was something extra that would make our name unique as we are both from Oxford and think it is a wonderful place.
Finally, Naturally Sweet Oxford was established and we are working to try and get our name out there and make a good reputation for the business. Predominately, we provide vegetarian food with a healthy twist :)

#health #healthy #healthyeating #natural #sweet #naturallysweet #naturallysweetoxford #food #refinedsugarfree #yum #oxford #oxfordshire #caterer #healthylunch #healthylunchoxford #oxfordfood #nutrition #nutritious #oxfordhorspath #horspath #horspathoxford #wheately #wheatleyoxford #oxfordwheatley #cowley #oxfordcowley #cowleyoxford #eastoxfordmarket #eastoxford #talkingshop #sanfordonthames #sanfordtalkingshop #popupcafe #cafeoxford #popupcafeoxford #eatingout #thingstodoinoxford 


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